Forestry Documents


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The Ministry of Water and Environment and the National Forestry Authority (NFA) have been implementing Collaborative Forest Management (CFM) program in Central Forest Reserves for the past two decades. The CFM approach enables communities to participate in meaningful negotiations and decision-making regarding the routine management of forest resources, and to benefit from the sustainable co-management of forests.

Advert- Forest Sector SoP

The African Wildlife Foundation, on behalf of the Ministry for Water and Environment, is seeking the services of a senior consultant to develop a new set of standing orders and administrative policies for the forest sector, arising from the need to revise, redevelop and revive the Departmental Standing Orders of the previous Forest Department (1997), together with the incorporation of existing FSSD, NFA and DFS orders and policies into the new instrument.

Uganda Forest Reference Emission Level

Uganda's Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL) prescribes a forest baseline level/emission level against which the country shall measure impacts arising from implementation of the  REDD+ Strategy and Action Plan.  In the implementation of its 20-year Uganda’s REDD+ Strategy and action plan, the Ministry of Water and Environment is committed to improve on the forest resources to be able to contribute to the mitigation of climate change effects...
