WfP Docs

Water for Production Documents

Engineer-Irrigation Officer-Asst Irrigation Officer-Vacancy Advert

The   Ministry    of  Water    and    Environment's      Mission   is  to  enhance quality      of   citizen's     life   by   improving     access      to   safe    water     and sanitation       services      through      infrastructure         development       and capacity.    The   Ministry   wishes   to recruit   staff  under   the  Department of Water  for Production.  The  positions  include

Improving Livelihoods through Water for Production

The Ministry of Water and Environment is undertaking several programmes in the development and utilization of water resources for productive use in crop irrigation, livestock, aquaculture, rural industries and other commercial uses to improve people’s livelihoods in rural areas through increasing the storage volumes for water for production. This is being done through construction of medium irrigation schemes, small scale irrigation schemes, earth dams, valley tanks, deep boreholes and bulk water schemes.