Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Services Department

The Ministry of Water and Environment through its Urban Water Supply and Sewerage  Services Department is currently undertaking a number of projects to increase the service coverage in the urban areas. Annex 2 shows the various activities currently being undertaken in the 170 towns as highlighted in the 2016 NRM Election Manifesto.

 Water and Sanitation Development Facilities (WSDFs) are a de-concentrated structure of the Ministry of Water and environment under the Urban Water and Sewerage Department, Directorate of Water Development. Four Water and Sanitation Development Facility branches were established in the regions of South-Western (WSDF-SW), Northern WSDF-N), Eastern (WSDF-E) and Central (WSDF-C).

IWMDP-Information sheet

The proposed Integrated Water Management and Development Project (IWMDP) was conceived as a follow on project to the current Water Management and Development Project (WMDP) which is  consistent with the World Bank Group (WBG) Country Partnership Framework (CPF) FY16-17.

Final ESMF IWMDP-March 2018-Approved by Bank's RSA

The proposed Integrated Water Resources Management and Development Project (IWMDP-P163782) is a follow-on from the Water Management and Development Project (WMDP-P123204) and will be implemented by the Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Water and Environment. The proposed project’s development objective (PDO) is to improve access to water supply and sanitation services, and strengthen the capacity for water  resources management in project targeted areas.
